May bdays

Birthday girl's lunch choice with the family was dim sum

 tried to keep her friend party simple, 4 girls slept over vs. the 11 last year!
she wanted Hawaiian decorations

fruit, mochi, fried rice and chicken wings :)
and dolce de leche cake
 this boy of course wanted sports cupcakes for school
 then Skyzone with friends

 his favorite, oreo cake and he asked the lady to make the oreos into basketballs :)
 serious wish making here
 His birthday dinner with the family at Kabuki...and if that wasn't enough, second round of ice-cream and games at the ice-cream shop near the house
 big 8 yr. old excited for his new jersey from Auntie Melissa
 and sassy 11 yr. old in her new swimsuit from her Justice shopping spree from Lola