Halloween was unusually busy for us this year...very long!
some teams go all out and decorate super cute themes
this year was extra special, they had a bunch of stuff going on outside too...a train
our team was the count and bats...that is our theme in our row since we are merch planning and we love numbers :) this was costume #1
later on that same day was our quarterly recognition meeting we were alligators or crocodiles...I forget...inside joke at work b/c when there is a system issue this croc or gator pops up on the screen, so costume #2
then the next day was the Charity Golf event that zappos hosts, where vendors buy tickets to golf and zappos employees volunteer at the holes. It's not your usual golf game, there is usually a silly challenge at each hole...costume #3 mexicans, but I had already bought my champagne costume and was determined to wear it :)
power range for the golf event..after having the pumpkin patch, kids day on Wednesday, adult stuff on Thursday, then the Golf thing on Friday, by the time Halloween came on Sunday we were over it, fun week but tiring