Dee's birthday and apartment warming

Auntie Dee turned 27 this month. We had dinner at mom's house and Auntie Nina brought yummy carvel ice cream cake, her signature cake. We love Auntie Dee, she is the kids 2nd mom, part-time nanny, driver and role-model...where do you think the girls get their style, sassyness and high maintenance from :) Happy Birthday Dee!

The girls also made her monkey bread

I thought Jayson was going to help, but he just wanted to eat the sugar

and couldn't wait to eat the end result
Now that Auntie Dee is all grown up :) she moved out and got an apartment of her own with Auntie Nin
and because the moms were gone (in the PI), we all helped cook food for their apartment-warming...everything turned out so yummy, especially Nina's lumpia

Jayson spent most of his time near the dessert, nothing beats a chocolate fountain

and with his new BFF, uncle Rick!