Christmas Pre-Parties

Lots of prepartying this year :) 
first cookie exchange was with the women's group at the church, tons of cookies, this wasn't even all of them...
super cute set up along with fun Christmas Carols
 new friends
few weeks later, annual cookie party at Michelle's
I did oreo balls and tried something new, peanut butter and jelly cookies I saw on pinterest, which actually came out good and easier to make than I expected, even though I burnt the first batch...Michelle did peanut butter kisses and snickerdoodles
Caron did her signature sugar cookies for the kids to decorate...taste, decorate, taste, decorate :)

I put together my own little treat basket for my team...I tried, I think I can make it a little better next time, but was in a rush and didn't start earlier like I should have
  I tried to do as less baking as possible, so the only thing I had to make was the pretzel turtles, thank goodness I could just pick up most of the stuff like dunkin donuts, packaged lady fingers, Christmas was the lemon drops and goldfish I didn't like, I didn't get a chance to make lemon drops/cookies so used lemon heads and there were no Christmas goldfish, so I used the cupcake ones, but still think these two could have been better, more Christmasy, let me know if you have any ideas for next time :)
 6 smores for Roasting, I put 12 Graham crackers, 6 chocolates and 6 marshmallows in a baggie, 5 golden nuggets were the hershey nuggets, 4 candy canes, thank goodness the bakery down the street had macarons for the 3 french macs, cause I picked them up the day I gave these, 2 dove chocolate candies and the kids said these snowman cookies from Starbucks were good.

 Melissa sent me this, thought it was cute and tried it, pretty easy, chocolate dipped marshmallow wrapped up...the hardest part is glueing the eyes on the outside of the plastic, the nose were sticker gems
 actually I did alot of marshmallows this month, maybe since I discovered smore pops, super easy, something I let the kids do since it's okay for it to look messy :)  it's just chocolate dipped marshmallow, then rolled in crushed graham cracker
The Clothing team did their holiday party at Cosmo.  They opened up an ice rink at the top where Marquee is, pretty cool to be skiing on top of the strip :) 
 rink was pretty small, but it was fine

 it was more about being by the fire and the yummy treats :)  hope to bring the kids before it's gone
took my lil team for an early Christmas dinner at Marrakech
wash hands first

food was really yummy!  dipping the bread in the sauce was good :)
steak skewers
some belly dancing
lots of events this month, so hard to be good!