started to have one on one days with the kids for fun...first Jaylin, she is the one that likes to eat everything like me, so took her to an asian bakery and randomly found Lee sandwich, much fancier than the ones in San Jose...she loves Spring Rolls, so she was very excited, said Chinatown was creating a memory :) and with boba and dessert, she was pleased!

took her shopping, said she could pick one thing

found a cute dress for her upcoming baptism

then she said she wanted her bangs trimmed

after our day together, met up with the rest of the fam for some fun, running around the new Tivoli shopping center in Summerlin aka, the OC of Las Vegas


found a bar for the kids, bottles and burgers

adult food was not great, the kids meals were decent, but fun that they have a kids bar with popcorn, a tv, candy...would probably only go back for the kids or for dessert

the hostess with the mostess milkshake was pretty good