Christmas this year was in the Bay...but first we did our Christmas at home in Vegas a few days earlier so that we wouldn't have to take anymore than we needed on the road trip
Jayson is into puzzles and books, so we got him some really cute favorite is the one with big puppy eyeballs :)
The girls got each other cool hats and Jayson got them bumpits...hee! the girls were asking for them, thought that was pretty funny!
Just as fun as present time, was Church time. I have to say this year was one of the best. The band was amazing, it was like a was Christmas music with a kick, so impactful
Started off tapping glow sticks to the beats by color to the traditional Christmas girls praising God!
and a drummer boy, they even had fake snow as we left. It was a heart warming message about the Christmas story and our story, Christmas changes brings us faith, hope and love
off we go to San Jose...our very first stop was to see Auntie Rosalynn's new baby, Christian...Congrats again Ros and Barry!
I think she gave Jayson like 3 cupcakes
Jayson was shy at first, but became buds with Mel's kids real fast