Had a few CA visitors this month, no offense to the others but my favorite one was Tyler Christopher, Nikolas from General Hospital, one of my favorite favorite shows. He was signing autographs at the Southpoint Hotel at the yearly Women's Fair. Thanks to my hubby for looking out and thank God my husband keeps up with Soapstar news, he knows more Celeb info than I do :)
new doctor on GH, probably recognize him as Brady from Days of our Lives
Alan and Olivia came to Vegas to celebrate their anniversary, we were able to visit them for starbucks and some catching up...a quick visit, looking forward to the next time so we can spend more time together...I had been going through SCU withdrawals so it was nice :)
took the tram to Luxor, but didn't stay very long, Jaylin was scared of the mummies
Lisa and Dale also came to Vegas to celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary!
went for lunch at Claim Jumper, Jayson loves Auntie Lisa!
and the girls enjoyed talking to Uncle Dale, let's just say they got to experience lunch with the crazy DeGuzman family...haha! it actually wasn't too bad, the girls were good, Jayson got cranky half way until I took him to the bathroom and threatened to leave him in there for time-out if he didn't stop, it actually worked :)
and Sponge Bob!