I also got invited to a tea party and had a lovely time...
with the Julian girls, not Will and Stace :) but Marylou and Jackie. It was a womens fellowship tea party hosted by a women's church group...an event to give women a little break from the holiday craze to hear an encouraging message and to enjoy friends, tea, sandwiches and desserts. And we got to keep the above tea cup that has on it, "this is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it, Psalm 118:24." It's so nice I bought an additional one for a gift, I should have gotten more, I think every women should have one for their tea or coffee breaks :)
Each table was decorated by the group sitting at them, Marylou did ours in the first shot above :)
Here are some others, aren't they beautiful and extravagant
Thanks for the invite Jackie...I love adult tea parties and can't wait for the next one! C'mon you moms out there know, any chance to eat in peace without the kids is a blessing...haha! And it's kinda of like being a kid again, tea parties are great!