got home from New York about 8pm Thursday night and we were up by 3am Friday morning to drive straight to Uncle Rommel's retirement ceremony as a Chief Hospital Medic at Camp Pendleton. So proud of him, he served for 24 years!
we made it just in time, started at 10am, we seriously got there right at 10am, was pretty crazy but we did it, changing and brushing teeth at starbucks isn't so bad :)
with cousin Abby
daddy having a moment...his little girl...getting so big!
Congratulations Rommel!!!
spent the rest of the weekend playing with day at the park
walked around to pick up some food and found a foam fountain
Jaylin and Maddie were trying to save some to show their cousins
we didn't realize Uncle lived so close to the Trolly so we decided we would spend Sunday before we left exploring downtown San Diego
first stop, gaslamp...walked around for a little but spent most of our day at seaport village...Jaylin was throwing a fit cause she was cold
as soon as we got to seaport village, we saw this and the kids begged us to go on it...Jayme said that is all she wanted, we thought it would be fun, so we did it but first some walking around
was so pretty out
cute little area with all the vendors and interesting people
like the rock man, was crazy how he balanced those huge rocks
then the sword man who stuck a sword down his throat for a quick second, bent over to show everyone and then flung it out
and of course the yummy treats, it's bad when I looked up on line the restaurants and saw all these dessert places and we went to all of them :)
these cookies were amazing, all soft and moist, we had 8 between us
Jaylin ate hers in a tree
Frosted Robin cupcakes were fantastic as well, not all of them only a few, the top left was called "milk and cookies" had an orea at the bottom of it, middle right was mango and bottom right peanut butter...the green mint and pink bubble gum weren't that great
and then Jaylin had to have a candle apple at Seaport coffee and fudge
boat time...first on land around downtown and then in the water
sea lions...while we were out we saw 3 military R, M18, something airplanes (something big because everyone was in shock) but they were so fast I couldn't get a pic of it :) we also saw a few dolphins because some of the trainers were out checking on them. Was a fun time, the past times we've gone to San Diego it was for amusement parks, so it was nice to see this downtown area, we'll be back soon, so much more beautifulness to see in San Diego!