Christmas this year was at our house
but first church with the Carinos...was so nice to see Nora and Mateo and Ruby and George too :)
back to the house, where we finally got to meet new cousin Alex
she is the cutest thing
you crazy Uncle Jay!
did the bacon wrapped turkey again :)
this boy could not wait to open presents
as usual the girls got fabulous clothes, accessories, toys, you name it...thanks everyone, you spoil these kids...
they are holding up gift certificates to a website where they can choose, design and order their own clothing
everyone got something fun...
ended the night with a cousin shot...Rick shared his grey goose that he got from our "animal" themed white elephant
was a fun evening with the family, after a few rounds of eating, presents, games and Just Dance...we rested and were up early in the morning for our road trip to the bay...went straight to see Grandma, aunties and more cousins
then to Auntie Sheila's to spend the rest of Christmas...they were already in their PJ's, matching PJ's :)
more cousins...these kids had so much fun, especially being able to stay up so late every night
up again early Sunday morning...can't go home and not visit our home church, River of Life
Auntie Gail
the Castro's...the kids sporting shirts form Auntie Grace's new t-shirt line